ADITRADE d.o.o. was founded in 1992 and is privately owned. The main activity of the company is wholesale in the field of pipelines, gas pipelines and more demanding projects for chemical aggressive media and high temperature media and anti-abrasion materials.
We are recognized in the following activities:
- Chemical industry
- Paper industry
- Food industry
- Electro industry
- Mining
- Pipelines for the water, oil and gas industries
- Manufacture of steel structures
We are a team of creative, professional and reliable people who together with business partners create mutual satisfaction and trust, thus ensuring long-term mutual cooperation. Our business aims to constantly improve the processes and quality system, as prescribed by the current ISO 9001 standard.
In this way we direct our actions to customer satisfaction, following our values:
the quality of products offered and the implementation of commercial services must be at the highest quality level
we are constantly investing in professionalism and developing the innovativeness of our employees, and we expect employees to be productive and responsive to the performance of indebted works.
- in relation to our partners and employees, we are friendly and honest, because we build a partnership relationship on trust and mutual cooperation and in an appropriate working environment.
Smo konkurenčni, dinamični in iznajdljivi. Naši strateški viri so znanje, sposobnost, motivacija in informacije. V ponos nam je tudi, da tudi zunaj meja Slovenije obravnavajo kot solidnega ter zaupanja vrednega partnerja, saj ustvarjamo dolgoročna partnerska razmerja ter ustvarjalno okolje za nudenje naših trgovskih storitev. Tako gradimo prepoznano konkurenčnost, fleksibilnost in efektivnost ter dosegamo najboljše za naše kupce.